
The SONG Handbook

Download your copy of the SONG Handbook (Version 1, 1st June 2017) for establishing and implementing core outcomes in chronic kidney disease.




Tong A, Manns B, Wang AYM, Hemmelgarn B, Wheeler DC, Gill J, Tugwell P, Pecoits-Filho R, Crowe S, Harris T, Van Biesen W, Winkelmayer WC, Levin A, Thompson A, Perkovic V, Ju A, Gutman T, Bernier-Jean A, Viecelli AK, O’Lone E, Shen J, Josephson MA, Cho Y, Johnson DW, Sautenet B, Tonelli M, Craig JC; SONG Implementation Workshop Investigators. Implementing core outcomes in kidney disease: report of the Standardized Outcomes in Nephrology (SONG) implementation workshop. Kidney International 2018 doi: 10.1016/j.kint.2018.08.018. [Epub ahead of print]


Ju A, Teixeira-Pinto A, Tong A, Smith AC, Unruh M, Davison SN, Dapueto J, Dew MA, Fluck R, Germain MJ, Jassal SV, Obrador GT, O’Donoghue D, Viecelli AK, Strippoli G, Ruospo M, Timofte D, Sharma A, Au E, Howell M, Costa DSJ, Anumudu S, Craig JC, Rutherford C. Validation of a Core Patient-Reported Outcome Measure for Fatigue in Patients Receiving Hemodialysis: The SONG-HD Fatigue Instrument. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2020 Nov 6;15(11):1614-1621

O’Lone E, Viecelli AK, Craig JC, Tong A, Sautenet B, Herrington WG, Herzog CA, Jafar TH, Jardine M, Krane V, Levin A, Malyszko J, Rocco MV, Strippoli G, Tonelli M, Wang AYM, Wanner C, Zannad F, Winkelmayer WC, Wheeler DC; SONG-HD CVD Consensus Workshop Investigators. Establishing Core Cardiovascular Outcome Measures for Trials in Hemodialysis: Report of an International Consensus Workshop. Am J Kidney Dis. 2020 Jul;76(1):109-120.

O’Lone E, Howell M, Viecelli AK, Craig JC, Tong A, Sautenet B, Herrington WG, Herzog C, Jafar T, Jardine M, Krane V, Levin A, Malyszko J, Rocco MV, Strippoli GFM, Tonelli M, Wang AYM, Wanner C, Zannad F, Winkelmayer WC, Wheeler DC. Identifying critically important cardiovascular outcomes for trials in hemodialysis: an international survey with patients, caregiver and health professionals. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 2020; doi: 10.1093/ndt/gfaa008 (ahead of print)

Viecelli AK, Howell M, Tong A, Teixeira-Pinto A, O’Lone E, Ju A, Craig JC, Hooi LS, Lee T, Lok CE, Polkinghorne KR, Quinn RR, Vachharajani TJ, Vanholder R, Zuo L, Tordoir J, Pecoits-Filho R, You T, Kopperschmidt P, Smith R, Irish AB, Mori TA, Pascoe EM, Johnson DW, Hawley CM. Identifying critically important vascular access outcomes for trials in hemodialysis: an international survey with patients, caregivers and health professionals. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 2020; 35(4):657-668

Jacobson J*, Ju A*, Baumgart A, Unruh M, O’Donoghue D, Obrador G, Craig JC, Dapueto JM, Dew MA, Germain M, Fluck R, Davison SN, Vanita Jassal S, Manera K, Smith AC, Tong A. Patient perspectives on the meaning and impact of fatigue in hemodialysis: systematic review and thematic analysis of qualitative studies. American Journal of Kidney Disease 2019; 74(2):179-192 *Equal first authorship

O’Lone E, Viecelli AK, Craig JC, Tong A, Sautenet B, Roy D, Herrington WG, Herzog CA, Jafar T, Jardine M, Krane V, Levin A, Malyszko J, Rocco MV, Strippoli GFM, Tonelli M, Wang AYM, Wanner C, Zannad F, Winkelmayer WX, Webster AC, Wheeler DC. Cardiovascular outcomes reported in hemodialysis trials: consistent and important to patients? Journal of the American College of Cardiology 2018; 71(24):2802-2810

Ju A, Unruh M, Davison S, Dapueto J, Dew MA, Fluck R, Germain M, Jassal SV, Obrador G, O’Donoghue D, Howell M, Shen JI, Estrada DC, O’Lone E, Craig JC, Teixeira-Pinto A, Tong A, for the SONG-HD Initiative. Identifying dimensions of fatigue in hemodialysis important to patients, caregivers, and health professionals: an international survey. Nephrology 2020; 25(3):239-247.

Ju A, Unruh M, Davison S, Dapueto J, Dew MA, Fluck R, Germain M, Jassal V, Obrador G, O’Donoghue D, Josephson M, Craig JC, Viecelli A, O’Lone E, Hanson CS, Manns B, Sautenet B, Howell M, Tong A for the SONG-HD Workshop Investigators. Establishing a core outcome measure for fatigue in patients on hemodialysis: a standardised outcomes in nephrology – hemodialiysis (SONG-HD) consensus workshop report. American Journal of Kidney Disease 2018; 72(1):104-112

Viecelli A, Tong A, O’Lone E, Ju A, Hanson CS, Sautenet B, Craig JC, Manns B, Howell M, Chemla E, Hooi LS, Johnson DW, Lee T, Lok CE, Polkinghorne K, Quinn RR, Vaccharajani T, Vanholder R, Zuo L, Hawley CM on behalf of the SONG-HD Vascular Access Workshop Investigators. Report of the standardized outcomes in nephrology – hemodialysis (SONG-HD) consensus workshop on establishing a core outcome measure for hemodialysis vascular access. American Journal of Kidney Disease 2018; 71(5):690-700

Viecelli AK, O’Lone E, Sautenet E, Craig JC, Tong A, Chemla E, Hooi LS, Lee T, Lok C, Polkinghorne KR, Quinn RR, Vachharajani T,  Vanholder R, Zuo L,  Irish AB, Mori TA, Pascoe EM, Johnson DW, Hawley CM. Vascular access outcomes reported in maintenance hemodialysis trials: a systematic review. American Journal of Kidney Disease 2018; 71(3):382-391

Ju A, Unruh M, Davison S, Dapueto J, Dew MA, Fluck R, Germain M, Jassal SV, Obrador G, O’Donoghue D, Tugwell P, Craig JC, Ralph AF, Howell M, Tong A. Patient-reported outcome measures for fatigue in patients on hemodialysis: a systematic review. American Journal of Kidney Disease 2018; 71(3):327-343

Evangelidis N, Tong A, Manns B, Hemmelgarn B, Wheeler DC, Tugwell P, Crowe S, Harris T, Van Biesen W, Winkelmayer WC, Sautenet B, O’Donoghue D, Tam-Tham H, Youssouf S, Mandayam S, Ju A, Hawley C, Pollock C, Harris DC, Johnson DW, Rifkin DE, Tentori F, Agar J, Polkinghorne KR, Gallagher M, Kerr PG, McDonald SP, Howard K, Craig JC. Developing a set of core outcomes for trials in hemodialysis: an international Delphi survey. American Journal of Kidney Disease 2017;70(4):464-475. Link to published article

Tong A, Winkelmayer WC, Wheeler DC, Van Biesen W, Tugwell P, Manns B, Hemmelgarn B, Harris T, Crowe S, Ju A, O’Lone E, Evangelidis N, Craig JC. Nephrologists’ perspectives on defining and applying patient-centered outcomes in hemodialysis. Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 2017; 12(3):454-466 Link to published article

Tong A, Crowe S, Gill JS, Harris T, Hemmelgarn BR, Manns B, Pecoits-Filho R, Tugwell P, van Biesen W, Wang AYM, Wheeler DC, Winkelmayer WC, Gutman T, Ju A, O’Lone E, Sautenet B, Viecelli A18,19, Craig JC. Clinicians’ and researchers’ perspectives on establishing and implementing core outcomes in haemodialysis: semistructured interview study. BMJ Open 2018; 20;8(4):e021198

Tong A, Manns B, Hemmelgarn B, Wheeler DC, Evangelidis N, Tugwell P, Crowe S, Van Biesen W, Winkelmayer WC, O’Donoghue D, Tam-Tham H, Shen J, Pinter J, Larkins N, Youssouf S, Mandayam S, Ju A, Craig JC, on behalf of the SONG-HD Investigators. Establishing core outcome domains in hemodialysis: report of the Standardised Outcomes in Nephrology – Hemodialysis (SONG-HD) consensus workshops. American Journal of Kidney Disease 2017; 69(1):97-10722 *Full list of investigators available in article and listed on PubMed Link to published article

Urquhart-Secord R, Craig JC, Hemmelgarn B, Tam-Tham H, Manns B, Howell M, Polkinghorne KR, Kerr PG, Harris DC, Thompson S, Schick-Makaroff K, Wheeler DC, Van Biesen W, Winkelmayer WC, Johnson DW, Howard K, Evangelidis N, Tong A. Patient and caregiver priorities for outcomes in hemodialysis: an international nominal group technique study. American Journal of Kidney Disease 2016; 68(3):444-458  Link to article

Sautenet B, Tong A, Williams G, Hemmelgarn B, Manns B, Wheeler DC, Tugwell P, Van Biesen W, Winkelmayer WC, Crowe S, Harris T, Evangelidis N, Hawley CM, Pollock C, Johnson DW, Polkinghorne KR, Howard K, Gallagher MP, Kerr PG, McDonald SP, Ju A, Craig JC. Scope and consistency of outcomes reported in randomized trials conducted in adults on hemodialysis: a systematic review. American Journal of Kidney Disease 2018; 72(1):62-74

Tong A, Manns B, Hemmelgarn B, Wheeler DC, Tugwell P, Winkelmayer WC, van Biesen W, Crowe S, Kerr PG, Polkinghorne KR, Howard K, Pollock C, Hawley CM, Johnson DW, McDonald SP, Gallagher MP, Urquhart-Secord R, Craig JC; SONG-HD Collaboration. Standardised outcomes in nephrology – haemodialysis (SONG-HD): study protocol for establishing a core outcome set in haemodialysis. Trials. 2015 Aug 19;16:364 [Study Protocol] Link to article

Evangelidis N, Craig JC, Tong A; SONG Executive Committee and Investigators. Standardised outcomes in nephrology – haemodialysis (SONG-HD): using the Delphi method to gain consensus on core outcomes for haemodialysis trials.
Journal of Renal Care 2015;  41:211-212 Link to article


Tong A, Budde K, Gill J, Josephson MA, Marson L, Pruett TL, Reese PP, Rosenbloom D, Rostaing L, Warrens AN, Wong G, Craig JC. Crowe S, Harris T, Hemmelgarn B, Manns B, Tugwell P, Van Biesen W, Wheeler DC, Winkelmayer WC, Evangelidis N, Sautenet B, Howell M, Chapman JR on behalf of the SONG-Tx investigators. Standardized outcomes in nephrology-transplantation: a global initiative to develop a core outcome set for trials in kidney transplantation. Transplantation Direct 2016;2:e79 [Study Protocol] Link to article

Sautenet B, Tong A, Chapman JR, Warrens AN, Rosenbloom D, Wong G, Gill J, Budde K, Rostaing L, Marson L, Josephson MA, Reese PP, Pruett TL, Evangelidis N, Craig JC. Range and consistency of outcomes reported in randomized trials conducted in kidney transplant recipients: a systematic review. Transplantation 2018; 102(12):2065-2071

Sautenet B, Tong A, Manera KE, Chapman JR, Warrens AN, Rosenbloom D, Wong G, Gill J, Budde K, Rostaing L, Marson L, Josephson MA, Reese PP, Pruett TL, Hanson CS, O’Donoghue D, Tam-Tham H, Halimi JM, Shen JI, Kanellis J, Scandling JD, Howard K, Howell M, Cross N, Evangelidis N, Masson P, Oberbauer R, Fung S, Jesudason S, Knight S, Mandayam S, McDonald S, Chadban S, Rajan T, Craig JC. Developing consensus-based priority outcome domains for trials in kidney transplantation: a multinational Delphi survey with patients, caregivers and health professionals. Transplantation 2017; 101:1875-1886 Link to article

Tong A, Gill J, Budde K, Marson L, Reese PP, Rosenbloom DL, Rostaing L, Wong G, Josephson MA, Pruett TL, Warrens AN, Craig JC, Sautenet B, Evangelidis N, Ralph AF, Hanson CS, Shen JI, Howard K, Meyer K, Perrone RD, Weiner DE, Fung S, Ma MKM, Rose C, Ryan J, Chen LX, Howell M, Larkins N, Kim S, Thangaraju S, Chapman JR, on behalf of the SONG-Tx investigators*. Toward establishing core outcome domains for trials in kidney transplantation: Report of the Standardized Outcomes in Nephrology – Kidney Transplantation (SONG-Tx) Consensus workshops. Transplantation 2017; 101:1887-1897 Link to article

Tong A, Sautenet B, Poggio E, Lentine KL, Oberbauer R, Mannon R, Murphy B, Padilla B, Chow KM, Marson L, Chadban S, Craig JC, Ju A, Manera KE, Hanson CS, Josephson MA, Knoll G on behalf of the SONG-Tx Graft Health Workshop Investigators. Establishing a core outcome measure for graft health: a standardised outcomes in nephrology – kidney transplantation (SONG-Tx) consensus workshop report. Transplantation 2018; 102(8):1358-1366

Ju A, Josephson MA, Butt Z, Jowsey-Gregoire S, Tan J, Taylor Q, Fowler K, Dobbels F, Caskey F, Jha V, Locke J, Knoll G, Ahn C, Hanson CS, Sautenet B, Manera K, Craig JC, Howell M, Rutherford C, Tong A; SONG-Tx Life Participation Workshop Investigators*. Establishing a core outcome measure for life participation: a Standardized Outcomes in Nephrology – Kidney Transplantation (SONG-Tx) consensus workshop Report. Transplantation 2019; 103(6):1199-1205

Ju A, Chow J, Ralph AF, Howell M, Josephson M, Ahn C, Butt Z, Dobbels F, Fowler K, Jowsey-Gregoire S, Jha V, Locke JE, Tan JC, Taylor Q, Rutherford C, Craig JC, Tong A. Patient-reported outcome measures for life participation in kidney transplantation: a systematic review. American Journal of Transplantation 2019; 19(8):2306-2317


Oveyssi J, Manera KE, Baumgart A, Cho Y, Forfang D, Saxena A, Craig JC, Fung SK, Harris D, Johnson DW, Kerr PG, Lee A, Ruiz L, Tong M, Wang AY, Yip T, Tong A, Shen JI. Patient and caregiver perspectives on burnout in peritoneal dialysis. Perit Dial Int. 2020 Nov 11:896860820970064. doi: 10.1177/0896860820970064.

Manera KE, Johnson DW, Cho Y, Sautenet B, Shen J, Kelly A, Wang AYM, Brown EA, Brunier G, Perl J, Dong J, Wilkie M, Mehrotra R, Pecoits-Filho R, Naicker S, Dunning T, Craig JC, Tong A. Scope and Heterogeneity of Outcomes Reported in Randomized Trials in Patients Receiving Peritoneal Dialysis. Clinical Kidney Journal [Accepted 14th September 2020]

Manera KE, Ju A, Baumgart A, Hannan E, Qiao W, Howell M, Nataatmadja M, Wilkie M, Loud F, Schwartz D, Hurst H, Jassal V, Figueiredo A, Mehrotra R, Shen J, Morton RL, Moraes T, Walker R, Cheung C, Farragher JF, Craig J, Johnson DW, Tong A. Patient-Reported Outcome Measures for Life Participation in Peritoneal Dialysis: A Systematic Review. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation [Accepted 27th July 2020]

Manera K, Tong A, Craig J, Shen J, Jesudason S, Cho Y, Sautenet B, Teixeira-Pinto A, Howell M, Wang A, Brown E, Brunier G, Perl J, Dong J, Wilkie M, Mehrotra R, Pecoits-Filho R, Naicker S, Dunning T, Scholes-Robertson N, Johnson D. An international Delphi survey helped develop consensus-based core outcome domains for trials in peritoneal dialysis. Kidney International. 2019;96(3):699-710.

Manera KE, Johnson DW, Craig JC, Shen JI, Gutman T, Cho Y, Wang AYM, Brown E, Brunier G, Dong J, Dunning T, Mehrotra R, Naicker S, Pecoits-Filho R, Perl J, Wilkie M, Tong A. Establishing a Core Outcome Set for Peritoneal Dialysis: Report of the Standardized Outcomes in Nephrology – Peritoneal Dialysis (SONG-PD) Consensus Workshop. American Journal of Kidney Disease 2020; 75(3):404-412

Al Sahlawi M, Wilson G, Stallard B, Manera KE, Tong A, Pisoni R, Fuller DS, Cho YJ, Johnson DW, Piraino B, Schreiber M, Boudville N, Teitelbaum I, Perl J. Peritoneal dialysis-associated peritonitis outcomes reported in trials and observational studies: a systematic review. Peritoneal Dialysis International 2020; 40(2):132-140

Manera KE, Tong A, Craig JC, Brown EA, Brunier G, Dong J, Dunning T, Mehrotra R, Naicker S, Pecoits-Filho R, Perl J, Wang AY, Wilkie M, Howell M, Sautenet B, Evangelidis N, Shen JI, Johnson DW. Standardised Outcomes in Nephrology – Peritoneal Dialysis (SONG-PD): study protocol for establishing a core outcome set in peritoneal dialysis. Peritoneal Dialysis International 2017;37:639-47 Link to article

Manera KE, Johnson DW, Craig JC, Shen JI, Ruiz L, Wang A, Yip T, Fung S, Tong M, Cho Y, Viecelli A, Sautenet B, Teixeira-:into A, Brown EA, Brunier G, Dong J, Dunning T, Mehrotra R, Naicker S, Pecoits-Filho R, Perl J, Wilkie M, Tong A. Patient and Caregiver Priorities for Outcomes in Peritoneal Dialysis: Multinational Nominal Group Technique Study. Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 2019; 14(1):74-83

Baumgart A, Manera KE, Johnson DW, Craig JC, Shen JI, Ruiz L, Wang AYM, Yip T, Fung SKS, Tong M, Lee A, Cho Y, Viecelli AK, Sautenet B, Teixeira-Pinto A, Brown EA, Brunier G, Dong J, Scholes-Robertson N, Dunning T, Mehrotra R, Naicker S, Pecoits-Filho R, Perl J, Wilkie M, Tong A. Meaning of empowerment in peritoneal dialysis: focus groups with patients and caregivers. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation [Accepted 22nd April 2020]


Tong A, Samuel S, Zappitelli M, Dart A, Furth S, Eddy A, Groothoff J, Webb NJA, Yap HK, Bockenhauer D, Sinha A, Alexander S, Goldstein SL, Gipson D, Hanson CS, Evangelidis N, Crowe S, Harris T, Hemmelgarn B, Manns B, Gill J, Tugwell P, Van Biesen W, Wheeler DC, Winkelmayer WC, Craig JC. Standardised Outcomes in Nephrology – Children and Adolescents (SONG-Kids): a protocol for establishing a core outcome set for children with chronic kidney disease. Trials 2016;17:401 [Study Protocol] Link to article

Chong LSH, Sautenet B, Tong A, Hanson CS, Samuel S, Zappitelli M, Dart A, Furth S, Eddy AA, Groothoff J, Webb NJA, Yap HK, Bockenhauer D, Sinha A, Alexander SI, Goldstein SL, Gipson DS, Raman G, Craig JC. Range and heterogeneity of outcomes in randomized trials of pediatric kidney disease.  Journal of Pediatrics  2017; 186:110-117 Link to article

Gutman T, Hanson CS, Bernays S, Craig JC, Sinha A, Dart A, Eddy AA, Gipson DS, Bockenhauer D, Yap HK, Groothoff J, Zappitelli M, Webb NJA, Alexander SI, Goldstein SL, Furth S, Samuel S, Blydt-Hansen T, Dionne J, Michael M, Wenderfer SE, Winkelmayer WC, Currier H, McTaggart S, Walker A, Ralph AF, Ju A, James LJ, Carter S, Tong A. Child and parental perspectives on communication and decision making in pediatric CKD: a focus group study. American Journal of Kidney Disease 2018; 72(4):547-559

Hanson CS, Gutman T, Craig JC, Bernays S, Raman G, Zhang Y, James LJ, Ralph AF, Ju A, Manera KE, Teixeira-Pinto A, Viecelli AK, Alexander SI, Blydt-Hansen TD , Dionne J, McTaggart S, Michael M, Walker A, Carter S, Wenderfer SE, Winkelmayer WC, Bockenhauer D, Dart A, Eddy AA, Furth S, Gipson DS, Goldstein SL, Groothoff J, Samuel S, Sinha A, Webb NJA, Yap HK, Zappitelli M, Currier H, Tong A. Identifying important outcomes for young people with chronic kidney disease and their caregivers: a nominal group technique study. American Journal of Kidney Diseases. (Accepted 2nd January 2019).

Logeman C, Guha C, Howell M, Hanson CS, Craig JC, Samuel S, Zappitelli M, Matsuda-Abedini M, Dart A, Furth S, Eddy A, Groothoff J, Yap HK, Bockenhauer D, Sinha A, Alexander SI, Goldstein SL, Gipson DS, Michael M, Walker A, Kausman J, Gaillard S, Bacchetta J, Rheault MN, Warady BA, Neu A, Christian M, McTaggart S, Liu I, Teo S, Sautenet B, Gutman T, Carter S, Teixeira-Pinto A, Tong A. Developing consensus-based outcome domains for trials in children and adolescents with chronic kidney disease: an international Delphi survey. American Journal of Kidney Diseases 2019; 74(1):82-94

Hanson CS, Craig JC, Logeman C, Sinha A, Dart A, Eddy AA, Guha C, Gipson DS, Bockenhauer D, Yap HK, Groothoff J, Zappitelli M, Webb NJA, Alexander SI, Furth SL, Samuel S, Neu A, Viecelli AK, Ju A, Sharma A, Au EH, Desmond H, Shen JI, Manera KE, Azukaitis K, Dunn L, Carter SA, Gutman T, Cho Y, Walker A, Francis A, Sanchez-Kazi C, Kausman J, Pearl M, Benador N, Sahney S, Tong A. Establishing core outcome domains in pediatric kidney disease: report of the Standardized Outcomes in Nephrology – Children and Adolescents (SONG-KIDS) consensus workshops. Kidney International [Accepted 7th May 2020]

Kerklaan J, Hannan E, Baumgart A, Manera KE, Ju A, McCulloch M, Admani B, Dominello A, Esezobor C, Foster B, Hamilton A, Jankauskiene A, Johnson R, Liu I, Marks S, Neu A, Schaefer F, Sutton S, Wolfenden S, Craig JC, Groothoff J, Howell M, Tong A. Patient and parent proxy-reported outcome measures for life participation in children with CKD: a systematic review. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation [Accepted 29th April 2020]


Logeman C, Cho Y, Sautenet B, Rangan GK, Gutman T, Craig J, Ong A, Chapman A, Ahn C, Coolican H, Tze-Wah Kao J, Gansevoort RT, Perrone R, Harris T, Torres V, Fowler K, Pei Y, Kerr P, Ryan J, Johnson D, Viecelli A, Geneste C, Kim H, Kim Y, Howell M, Ju A, Manera KE, Teixeira-Pinto A, Parasivam G, Tong A. ‘A sword of Damocles’: patient and caregiver beliefs, attitudes and perspectives on presymptomatic testing for autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease: a focus group study. BMJ Open 2020;10:e038005.

Cho Y, Sautenet B, Tong A, Craig JC, Ong ACM, Chapman A, Ahn C, Chen D, Coolican H, Kao J, Gansevoort R, Perrone R, Harris T, Torres V, Pei Y, Kerr P, Ryan J, Gutman T, Howell M, Ju A, Manera K, Teixeira-Pinto A, Hamiwka L, Rangan G. Standardised outcomes in nephrology – polycystic kidney disease (SONG-PKD): study protocol for establishing a core outcome set in polycystic kidney disease. Trials 2017;18:560

Sautenet B, Cho Y, Gutman T, Rangan G, Ong A, Chapman A, Ahn C, Coolican H, Tze-Wah Kao J, Fowler K, Gansevoort R, Geneste C, Perrone R, Harris T, Torres V, Pei Y, Craig JC, Tong A for the SONG-PKD Initiative. Range and variability of outcomes reported in randomized trials conducted in polycystic kidney disease: a systematic review. American Journal of Kidney Disease 2020; doi: 10.1053/j.ajkd.2019.12.003. (ahead of print)

Cho Y, Sautenet B, Gutman T, Rangan G, Craig JC, Ong ACM, Chapman A, Ahn C, Coolican H, Tze-Wah Kao J, Gansevoort R, Perrone R, Harris T, Torres V, Pei Y, Kerr PG, Ryan J, Johnson DW, Viecelli AK, Geneste C, Kim H, Kim Y, Oh YK, Teixeira-Pinto A, Logeman C, Howell M, Ju A, Manera KE, Tong A. Identifying patient-important outcomes in polycystic kidney disease: an international nominal group technique study. Nephrology 2019;24(12):1214-1224

Cho Y, Rangan G, Logeman C, Ryu J, Sautenet B, Perrone RD, Nadeau-Fredette AC, Mustafa RA, Htay H, Chonchol M, Harris T, Gutman T, Craig C, Ong ACM, Chapman A, Ahn C, Coolican H, Tze-Wah J, Gansevoort R, Torres V, Pei Y, Johnson DW, Viecelli AK, Teixeira-Pinto A, Howell M, Ju A, Manera KE, Tong A. Core outcome domains for trials in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease: an international Delphi survey. American Journal of Kidney Diseases (Accepted 8th February 2020)

Cho Y, Tong A, Craig JC, Mustafa RA, Chapman A, Perrone RD, Ahn C, Fowler K, Torres V, Gansevoort R, Ong ACM, Coolican H, Kao JTW, Harris T, Gutman T, Shen JI, Viecelli AK, Johnson DW, Au E, El-Damanawi R, Logeman C, Ju A, Manera KE, Chonchol M, Odland D, Baron D, Pei Y, Sautenet B, Rastogi A, Sharma A, Rangan G on behalf of SONG-PKD Workshop Investigators. Establishing a Core Outcome Set for Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease:  Report of the Standardized Outcomes in Nephrology – Polycystic Kidney Disease (SONG-PKD) Consensus Workshop.  American Journal of Kidney Disease 2020; doi: 10.1053/j.ajkd.2020.01.005. (ahead of print)


Carter SA, Lightstone L, Cattran D, Bagga A, Barbour SJ, Barratt J, Boletis J, Caster D, Coppo R, Fervenza FC, Floege J, Hladunewich M, Hogan JJ, Kitching AR, Lafayette R, Malvar A, Radhakrishnan J, Rovin BH, Zhang H, Gutman T, Howell M, Logeman C, Shen JI, Teixeira-Pinto A, Alexander SI, Cho Y, Craig JC, Harris D, Johnson DW, Kerr PG, Ryan J, Viecelli AK, Wang AY, Wilkie M, Scholes-Robertson N, Tong A. Standardized Outcomes in Nephrology-Glomerular Disease (SONG-GD): establishing a core outcome set for trials in patients with glomerular disease. Kidney International 2019; 95: 1280-1283

Carter S, Gutman T, Logeman C, Cattran D, Lightstone L, Bagga A, Barbour S, Barratt J, Boletis J, Caster D, Coppo R, Fervenza F, Floege J, Hladunewich M, Hogan J, Kitching AR, Lafayette R, Malvar A, Radhakrishnan J, Rovin B, Scholes-Robertson N, Trimarchi H, Zhang H, Azukaitis K, Cho Y, Viecelli A, Dunn L, Harris D, Johnson D, Kerr P, Laboi P, Ryan J, Shen J, Ruiz L, Wang A, Lee A, Shun S, Tong M, Teixeira-Pinto A, Wilkie M, Alexander S, Craig J, Tong A. Identifying outcomes important to patients with glomerular disease and their caregivers. Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 2020; 15(5):673-684


Matus Gonzalez A, Gutman T, Lopez-Vargas P, Anumudu S, Arce CM, Craig JC, Dunn L, Eckardt K, Harris T, Levey AS, Lightstone L, Scholes-Robertson N, Shen JI, Teixeira-Pinto A, Wheeler DC, White D, Wilkie M, Jadoul M, Winkelmayer WC, Tong A. Patient and caregiver priorities for outcomes in chronic kidney disease: multinational nominal group technique study. American Journal of Kidney Diseases [Accepted 5th April 2020]

Other SONG-related publications

De Silva I, Evangelidis N, Hanson CS, Manera K, Guha C, Scholes-Robertson N, Craig JC, Johnson D, Cho Y, Viecelli AK, Tong A; SONG-HD, SONG-PD initiative. Patient and caregiver perspectives on sleep in dialysis. J Sleep Res. 2020 Oct 25:e13221.

Evangelidis N, Sautenet B, Manera KE, Howell M, Craig JC, Viecelli AK, O’Lone E, Scholes-Robertson N, Johnson DW, Cho Y, Tomson C, Wheeler DC, Tong A; SONG-HD and SONG-PD initiative. Perspectives on blood pressure by patients on haemo- and peritoneal dialysis. Nephrology 2021; 26:62-69.

Carter SA, Tong A, Gutman T, Scholes-Robertson N, Teixeira-Pinto A, Howell M, Craig JC: Controversy and Debate Series on Core Outcome Sets. Paper 5: Large-scale, mixed-methods, knowledge exchange to establish core outcomes – the SONG approach. J Clin Epidemiol 2020; 125225-228

Ju A, Tong A. Considerations and challenges in selecting patient-reported outcome measures for clinical trials in nephrology. Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 2017; 12:1882-84

Tong A, Craig JC, Nagler EV, Van Biesen W for the SONG Executive Committee and the European Renal Best Practice Advisory Board. Composing a new song for trials: the standardised outcomes in nephrology (SONG) Initiative. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 2017;13;1963-66

Hanson CS, Chapman JR, Gill JS, Kanellis J, Wong G, Craig JC, Teixeira-Pinto A, Chadban SJ, Garg AX, Ralph AF, Pinter J, Lewis JR, Tong A. Identifying outcomes that are important to living kidney donors: a nominal group technique study. Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 2018; 13:916-926

Hanson CS, Sautenet B, Craig JC, Chapman JR, Knoll G, Reese PP, Tong A. Informative for decision-making? The spectrum and consistency of outcomes following living kidney donation reported in trials and observational studies. Transplantation 2019; 103(2):284-290